Program For Running .exe On Mac
- Nov 04, 2017 There are several options for running Windows software (*.exe files) on a Mac, depending what your program is, how often you use it, and your personal preferences. One way that does not require Windows is an open source effort called WINE.
- EXE files are Windows executable files, the core file type of most Windows programs. Unfortunately, Macs can't run them right out of the box, which can be a problem for programs, such as games and business applications, that have no Mac version.
WineBottler can pack your.exe into an Double-click your.exe or.msi and convert it into an app with WineBottler. You can run the generated app like every other program on your Mac.
I am learning C for a class at my university and wish to write the program using the TextWrangler text editor on my Mac (running OSX Lion 10.7). Once I write the .c file, I compile it using gcc. I downloaded the compiler from Apple Developer Tools.
It is included in a command line tools download. I locate the file using Terminal, compile it using gcc filename.c where the a.out executable file is created. However, when I type 'a.out' or '/a.out' I get the following messages: '-bash: a.out: command not found' or '-bash: /a.out: No such file or directory'. I have successfully compiled and ran C programs on Linux systems before using this same method. What am I doing wrong on my Mac?
AstroCB6 Answers
You need to add a dot to indicate that the executable is in the current directory, as the current directory is not in the path:
MByDMByDYou're just missing one thing!Instead of '/a.out' it should be './a.out'. Another useful thing is changing the output so that you can have multiple compiled programs. Simply, the only thing you need to put in the terminal is the following (fill in the blanks with what you would like)
good luck!
beckahbeckahYou have to add a dot in front of the slash:
Used to love Google It’s WinXP pro. First, I went into Control Panel > Folder Options > File Types, and looked around for mailto. How to download spell check program for email. (There is no “Apply” button to become active to acknowledge I’ve changed the configuration.) Clicked all the OK buttons. Now, Outlook opens again when I hit mailto:, the way I like it.
would try to execute a program in the root folder (/
will look for your program in all the folders defined in the PATH environment variable.
I have successfully compiled and ran C programs on Linux systems before using this same method. What am I doing wrong on my Mac?
You have to do the same on Linux.
DrummerBDrummerBmake sure to set your permissions executable with chmod +x a.out
MichaelMMichaelMYou'll need a compiler. The easiest way however is to install XCode. This way you'll get access to 'gcc', Thus,
How To Open Exe File On Mac
Then run it like this.
How To Run .exe On Mac
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